I am one of the performers on
The IPRC Audiozine, a CD consisting of readings from some of Portland’s notable zines, including:
Brainscan, Constant Rider, Clutch, Figure 8, The Gulper, Hip Mama, Indulgence, Invincible Summer, Journalsong, Journal of Ride Theory, On Subbing, The Penny Dreadful and
Xtra Tuf. It will be available shortly through the
Independent Publishing Resource Center and various local record stores. (And directly, through
me.) Packaged in a nifty letterpressed, die-cut box, with a booklet on the IPRC and our activities. $10.00, Postpaid, from:
Independent Publishing Resource Center
917 SW Oak Street, Suite 218
Portland, OR 97205
I'll also be burning more copies of my CD,
The Radio Journal of Ride Theory soon. It's a one-hour distillation of my November 2000 appearances on
Over the Edge - a radio show hosted by Negativland's Don Joyce. They will be available through
me or through
CD Baby for $9.00.
If you want the whole
Radio Journal of Ride Theory tamale, Don sells cassette tapes and MP3 discs of the whole three-hour shows through the
Negativland website. MP3 CDs are $13, cassettes are $20.
$100 and a T-Shirt, a new documentary on zines (including a rant about copyright law by me) is available from
Microcosm Publishing for a paltry $8 on DVD, or $13 for old-school VHS.
Microcosm Publishing
5307 N. Minnesota Ave.
Portland OR 97217-4551
Email Joe Biel (Director)
In order to address some quality control issues (misprints of the introductions) I am discouraging people from buying my book
The Journal of Ride Theory Omnibus directly through From now on, I'll order copies and inspect them first, because Lulu's outsourced print-on-demand company cannot or will not do a spot-check for quality. The deal is that orders of multiple copies seem to come out okay, but single copies have errors, and often have to be reprinted. This kind of throws the whole point of doing print-on-demand into a cocked hat, because one of the reasons I did it in the first place was to have hands-off order fulfillment... but so be it. Eventually, I'll correct the problem on my end, but it's a lot of work; it'll make me way grouchier than usual; and, like sausage making, you really don't want to know what goes into it.
Meanwhile, if you want a copy,
contact me.
I wrote the introduction to Brendan Walker's new book,
Thrilling Designs, which is soon to be published by (get this) the Royal College of Art in London -- at last, academic recognition! There are actually two books,
The Taxonomy of Thrill (a survey of thrillseekers' most thrilling experiences, and a plan for applying the data to the design of amusement rides) and
Thrilling Designs (Brendan's over-the-top wild designs, including many based on his experience as an aerospace engineer.) This is exactly the kind of thing I hoped would eventually happen when I started my zine, and I am downright giddy about being a part of this project. Copies will be available through
me in a couple weeks, or from
Brendan. $29.95 for the pair.
There may be a second edition of
Dome & Domer: the Increasingly Stupid Story of the Millennium Dome available by the end of the year. Depends on how much layout I feel like doing, and how busy I am with all this other crap.
On January 13th, three of the zinesters whose work appears on the
IPRC Audiozine (Krissy Durden, Ariel Gore and me) will read live at the IPRC. This event will occur right after our monthly IPRC orientation (which is an entertainment event in itself when led by our tour guide, Fred the Punk Rock Barber.) My performance will be the debut of a five-minute documentary I made about the greatest dark ride ever built, the
Futurama at the 1939 New York World's Fair -- with live narration.
Thursday, January 13
Independent Publishing Resource Center
917 SW Oak Street, Suite 218
Portland, OR 97205
(1 block Southeast of Powell's Books on Burnside)
Orientation at 7:00 pm
The Trouble Begins at 8:00
Barring any shipping delays over the next couple weeks, most of the products listed above will be available at the merchandise table at the IPRC event, along with the other performers' zines. A portion of the proceeds from those sales will go to the IPRC.