Press event this morning at the Dana Centre in London. We're getting ready for the first of six "Fairground: Thrill Laboratory" events.

The Dana Centre from the front.

This is one of the production assistants in the monitoring rig. It includes a camera to record facial expressions, and numerous physiological monitors.

Here's the ride for this evening, a Miami Trip.

Here's a nice shot of Brendan Walker, the organizer of the events, looking very MST3K in his red jumpsuit. He had custom patches made with the "Fairground: Thrill Laboratory" logo.
Brendan tells me he filmed some video at a funfair in this outfit, and there a gaggle of children pestered and teased him. One of them came up and quietly uttered the tagline to an advert which features nerds, geeks and boffins in funny glasses, "You should have gone to SpecSavers!" Cheeky!
More soon.
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