Omnibus Book Tour

Sunday, January 16, 2005

PR Photos

Serena Davidson of Zeitgeist Photography and I swapped my graphic design abilities for her photographic abilities -- no, not like Freaky Friday, I just designed her business card in exchange for some "About the Author" photographs. We went to a mall where there was a display of antique merry-go-rounds from the International Museum of Carousel Art, and I must say, she did a darn fine job of making me, a particularly unphotogenic subject, look nice. I'm posting several of them here, just for future PR reference. (Click on them for higher resolution images).

Smug Bastard

Smile, Darn Ya, Smile!

My Boss Hog

Channeling Gomez Addams... okay, maybe Uncle Fester...

If you use these images to promote my readings, please include this credit line:

Photographs by Serena Davidson:

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Reading Went Swimmingly

Well, I freaked out a little, but only because I like to set up things in advance. Way in advance. And that just wasn't going to happen.

We had a pretty good crowd:

Crowd in the Hallway

Since it was a party celebrating the release of the first IPRC Audiozine, we had food and drink out in the hallway. They're all eating chili.

I borrowed a video projector from work, and it worked just great. Two days before the reading, I emailed one of the other readers to see if she wanted to do any projections, and she sent me a PowerPoint presentation to test. I tested it, and it seemed to work fine, but when she arrived, she said it was missing about five slides. So we had to frantically run around and burn a CD, load it, test it, etc. Now, I don't really suffer from stage fright, but I do get kind of wound up when I have to do stuff at the last minute, so I was a bit frazzled...

Dan Freaks Out

Ariel Gore, of Hip Mama read first:

Ariel Reads

She's standing in front of the IPRC library, which consists of about 5,000 donated zines.

Krissy read next from the back of the room, so she could change her PowerPoint slides as she spoke.

I did live narration for my short film about the Futurama ride at the 1939 New York World's Fair. It went much better than I thought it would, and I actually may have to re-edit the film a bit to ride the laughs better. Laughs! I am so obsessed with the subject of rides, and I spend so much time structuring and re-writing jokes, that I actually forget that my writing is supposed to be funny! It's kind of rewarding to hear an audience laugh out loud.